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Kamis, 07 September 2017

Modern Superstitious

Sorry, ini artikel cut and paste dari akun google+ gue dan ga sempat diterjemahkan ke bhs Indonesia. So, silahkan baca aja dan terjemahin sendiri. Maaf juga klo inggrisnya pas-pasan.

Long ago, diseases were believed to be a curse or bad fate. People were superstitious then that they just afraid to get a better understanding of the unknown. Now, we know that diseases are caused by some little creatures unable to be seen by the naked eye, thanks to all the pioneers brave enough to explore to the extreme.
But eventhough now we have a reasonable explanation of diseases and how to cure most of them, too many of us are only believing the explanation without the need to get a better understanding of the problem. We just accept the unknown to be known and believe it as told. In other words, we are not less superstitious than what we once before since we only believing something. And this happens to all matters that constitute our modern life. But since the fear has gone we might think that what we believe is not superstitious anymore. And so now people daringly tresspassing the unknown without any consideration to understand about it, undermining all the pioneers effort to get to what once is a lurking danger. And worse, we keep accepting things that we dont know as if those bad fate are no more accompany those things, we had lose our fear.
As modern people, we believe we are not superstitious, although we only know things by believing them. It seems, we've became superstitious but we never realize it, huh that is worse than the old day's people. A perfect world is an easy world, maybe that is the definition of modern world. Oddly enough modern people treat victims as a bad luck although they never consider the bad luck when dealing and making decision on things. Victims need to be sealed away or slipped them under the rug as if they are the bad luck. Very primitive actually considering that it is how primitive people cast away bad luck, cast and sacrifice people.
Now, as many new theories arouse and accepted and believed, one has intrigued me a lot. The one that said the world is flat. I want to smile but this is not a joke. No really this is not a joke!
It is an undisputable belief that earth is round. All and every progress that mankind achieved as of today are all based on this observation, that earth is round. It is within my expectation that the earth is round nothing else. No way.
But as an open minded person I question this statement more. If it is true that the earth is flat then everything we achieve as of today is false. All our experience and progress that had happen based on the assumption of a round earth is not suppose to be able to exist. So the flat earth couldnt be true, right? Since the existence of our being now on this earth is the prove that the earth is round. Unless someone can prove that history is false or a lie. This is why we dont mess with history. We dont lie around and conspire against it, creating an alternative history to live on.
The other thing about flat earth is that if it can be true then we must have lose one degree of information. If earth is flat, we had lost one variable that existed when earth was round and so things could be more easily predicted or determined. Just consider traveling on flat earth in one direction, we sure know we'll find the edge to stop. But on round earth, we never be sure where we could stop and we might continue traveling without ever stop unless we know one variable which is our destination, an objective.
So if flat earth could ever be true, the lost of one variable of information could only mean that we probably have undergo some changes. Wait, changes? Then I need to find something that could prove this changes had already happen. I should see something that has lost one degree of information but can fully describe reality. For instance, having less information like a 2D plane that could describe or present 3D object. If I could find this kind of evidence then I should say: OMG!! We live in WONDERLAND!! We live in flat earth but we dont know it!
Ok, what else to consider that could prove we have lose one degree of information? Well, if coincidence happens too often, if people behave like they know many things that they dont know, if people consume too much and more than they could swallow, if lies are written more often than the truth, if creativity surpass beyond necessary, if the cause is seems much smaller and negligible than the effect, then perhaps it is true the world is only "selebar daun kelor". At least in the mind of people living on it, they who lose their objective. Fear gives us objective, I think people should know that.
But flat earth might not be that bad since we couldnt mine too much from it anymore. So less destruction on earth?

Now, if I say the moon is virus that can do bad things to us, would you believe it? Further more it's not even the virus that is a warrant, it's the antivirus. No joke.

But seriously, this could be used for water purification.


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