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Arti Sebuah Cerita

Pernah dengarkan cerita-cerita hikayat rakyat yang berbentuk legenda dan mitos? Indonesia yang terdiri dari berbagai suku bangsa punya banyak sekali cerita hikayat, soalnya masing-masing daerah punya cerita sendiri-sendiri.

Arsitek Mimpi

Tahun 2009 gue pulang ke rumah orang tua gue untuk beristirahat, sekalian menyembuhkan keadaan gue setelah cukup lama keluar masuk rumah sakit.

Resep Masakan dan Kue

Kumpulan resep-resep favorit gue yang sudah dimodifikasi dan diracik dari dapur sendiri, bisa dilihat di halaman Hobi. Silahkan mencoba!

Mengenai Penyesatan

Ada banyak sekali aliran keyakinan dan sekte di dunia, dan beberapa diantaranya yang menggemparkan dunia dibahas di blog ini. Tulisan terdiri dari tiga bagian, bagian pertama dan kedua membahas aliran sesat yang berujung maut. Tulisan ketiga membahas aliran yang dianggap sesat dan sedang berkembang dewasa ini.

Ada Yang Sama?

Terkadang kita menemukan dua hal yang persis sama pada suatu kesempatan, baik itu nama, wajah, tanggal lahir dll. Akhir-akhir ini gue menemukan beberapa hal yang kebetulan menyamai diri gue yang gue bahas disini.

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018

The Drama

Another cut and paste from my G+.

Sometimes I am confused why people take things literally. If it sounds good then it is good. If it sounds bad then it is bad. Are they running from something that they couldn't take time to think it through? Or they just have no idea what they should think of? Sometimes I think they are on the brink of something. (I take things literally when I go shopping. When I saw something good I said OMG this is good then I bought it. That with a little regret later on).

Also, do people think that 4 happy people is better than 2 happy people? And so compromised for 3 happy people instead of 2 is a solution? Even math is more complex than that. Dont they think there's another simpler way than their elementary math if they seek for simplicity? Or is it pragmatism? Well pragramatism can't be for greater good. It's only serve for short term, it will be greed to consider it the other way. Obscured meaning, quantitative approach, and pragmatism creates conspirators of everyday living.
I wonder, do they became conspirators because they know much, or because they dont know much? Or is it because they choose to be in between believing that they'll be backed up by those atheist engineers that could calculate the whole things for them?

Conspiracy is like an art, it will hide its meaning. Both use liberalism to subdue freedom of people. Both are provocators for the peace world. Under the free world, both survive by hiding their true intention and move secretively. Killing the essence of free for the world by doing secretive behavior in exchange of subjecting the essence of free on to themselves. The liberals could do many things not binding to the literal meaning of words and goes under the blanket. Worse, they dont even need to think the literal meaning of words and the context behind it, they just go for the abstract of it. And then merely grouping the words into good and bad. Letting people stray and numb on meaning. For instance the word "tolerance", basically the word means a good thing, and so people will believe the good meaning of it by only hearing it. But "tolerance" needs to be put into context to get the real definition of it. For me, tolerance means I need to create distance from others and so others still could move freely when they needed to within the distance range. I then expect others to do the same. I try to respect the physical boundary, because it is part of my definition and others, by creating a gap between two boundaries. But in the hand of liberalism and their conspiracy, the good word of tolerance has been shifted. Majority of people now think that tolerance means to move freely in other people domain (like a tyrant), and to let other people move freely in our domain (like a slave). Pulling in and pushing in our boundary directly next to other people boundary as if there is no gap, as if they could "eat" the boundary for their hunger of living freely (=getting whatever they wanted to without fighting it). Spreading the believe that their supreme mentality (of duality) could eliminate the physical boundary, the thing that our senses is bound to. Therefore, killing the senses in exchange of their desire for superiority. Very idealistic, but this meaning of tolerance actually is a tolerance of error, which literally means just error (remember statistics? Approximation of the real thing needs an allowance for error). The world is a real thing and not an approximation of an ideal world of when error is acceptable. This kind of tolerance or allowance for error is a whole different concept that will provoke a peaceful world when the error is taking place. Provoking an ideal world when error is widely acceptable as a way for a peace world. Really? As if people could comprehend the complex math that will be put forward right in to their face? Strangely, conspiracy creates a gap large enough mentally on people as if mental boundary is enough. Your physical being should always be the cause of your mental being. If theres storm which error will break first? //edit or new addition:// If our physical being stated that we are human, then our mental should follow it. As a human, we are incapable or stupid enough to deal with anything that is "ghaib" or obscured. This means obscured acts and intension which is the based of any conspiracy, should not be considered as a way of life. Many people, because they thought themselves as smart as hell compared to other, tend to incorporate the conspiracy as a breakthrough of their boring daily life and a means to achieve something. Well, keep this in mind, you are very stupid, soo stupid that you can't even draw any direct consequences following an obscured acts. Too complex for human to handle. So, don't.

The stage, with their actors, is an art. People will bump each other for the interpretation of it. It is a chaos only in the mind of the spectacles, craving for further explanation of ideas and meaning. But conspiracy is an art sculptured into people living. Whether you are on it, actively conspiring to make everything to be meaningless (and so to make the leverage of you being meaningful done successfully), or you as the victim of it because you are the outsider for the conspiracy, you will live in a chaos because no one will know what is actually happens and how to control it. It is then easy to depend on a mirage on how things should be and make people crave for it. Eventually losing the meaning of living, which is striving and fighting for your life, because the dream could easily be proccured. Also, the meaning of reality because the mirage is becoming a borrowed reality. Even then, the mirage has becoming a "happens as you go" thing and so it can diminished anytime, a result of uncontrolled risk and being on the tip of an iceberg. On the tip of an iceberg, the illusion will be too bright and too close for their faces, brighter than the sun that they couldnt even distinguished them. If this condition deteriorate more, women will be slipped off, kids will be the monsters and men will be the gods. These are logical, that I couldnt elaborate more.

Conspiracy is an objection to ordinary living people just like an art is an objection to an ordinary people mind. People just plain bored and hopeless that they start to object things around them although there are no error. And just like an art creating our dependency to the art master to fill up the crave, a conspiracy also create our dependency to the master mind for the mirage. Conspiracy creates a living art, a masterpiece that will be too abstract for the masses to comprehend, they'll be numbed and always asking for direction. So tell me, is conspiracy a crime when it can take the freedom of living people and numbing the true meaning of peace?


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